The Path To Becoming An Early Childhood Educator

Love babysitting kids? Enjoy investing in our nation’s littlest citizens? A role in early childhood education and care may just be what you’re looking for! This rewarding career is growing exponentially in Australia, and breaking into the industry has never been easier.

Getting started may not be as complex as you think, especially with the help of First Base Training. Let’s explore early childhood educator opportunities and information within Australia, the requirements posted, its philosophy and the five steps to take to get the job of your dreams.

Understanding The Needs Of The Early Childhood Education Industry

The early childhood educator industry in Australia is tasked with a single mission — to support children’s safety, development and proper education outside the classroom. There are nearly 14,000 early childhood educator businesses operating nationwide, which has grown into a 14-billion-dollar industry employing 195,650 people with the proper credentials.

There are many ways you could choose to serve as an early childhood educator:

  • Long daycare centres

  • After-school care/Out of School Hours childcare (OOSH)

  • Early Learning Centres (ELCs)

  • Role as a nursery manager 

  • Role as a teacher’s aide

If you’re interested in a less formal role in a child’s early education, you have several other niches to consider too. Babysitting is a great way to make extra money on weekends and holidays. Additionally, becoming a nanny or stay-in au pair lets you travel the country while still receiving food, money and accommodations.

The best part of all this? The early childhood educator industry is still growing! Experts predict that early childhood demand will rise 7% by 2026, meaning thousands of new workers will be needed to fill the gap for parents and guardians.

If you’re wondering how to become an early childhood teacher or want to learn more about certificates in Early Childhood Education and Care, contact First Base Training today.

Early Childhood Educator Requirements In Australia

Like many other professions in Australia, the early childhood educator career has several set requirements. These typically vary according to the position in question, but there are a few universal considerations to remember.

You’ll need to meet three basic early childhood teacher qualifications:

  • The right amount of education — You must actively work towards a qualification or be a current certification holder such as CHC30121 or CHC50121. The CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is open to individuals who hold a CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or those with a CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.

  • A clean background — You must complete a Working with Children Check and acquire a First Aid certification to show employers you can handle tricky situations.

  • Comply with regulations in Australian territories — Every state and territory has expectations for certification, so be sure to check with your local authority to ensure you’re on the right path.

You’re welcome to chat with First Base Training today if you’re unsure or unclear about any of the above requirements.

Understanding The Philosophy Of Early Childhood Education

Each early childhood educator has a unique teaching philosophy that guides them throughout their career. This philosophy is based on their belief systems and understanding of how to guarantee that the students in their care receive a quality education.

These philosophies should never conflict with their own; they must be established and maintained in collaboration with all staff members and interested parents who are encouraged to contribute their ideas. The philosophy is a comprehensive plan; it is not set in stone and is subject to change as new trends emerge.

How To Become An Early Childhood Educator In Five Steps

Becoming an early childhood educator in Australia is far simpler than you might believe. In fact, it only takes five steps to get where you want to go — a journey that may last only a year or less.

Here’s a step-by-step process for becoming an early childhood educator in Australia:

1. Receive your Working With Children Check (WWCC). This is a requirement for anyone interested in volunteering with or working around children, especially within NSW. You’re welcome to apply online at any time. All you need are a few documents to get started!

2. Begin your journey to becoming an early childhood educator with a degree, diploma or certificate. At First Base Training, we offer two unique qualifications for aspiring early childhood educators, both nationally recognised and subsidised by the NSW Government for eligible students. Depending on your needs, you can enrol in the CHC30121 program, and once completed, the CHC50121 program as well.

Additional requirements: 

The CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care has entry requirements. Entry to this qualification is open to individuals who:

  • Hold a CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or

  • CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

3. Become first aid certified. We teach about providing first aid in an education and care setting as this is a core unit in the Certificate III qualification. 

4. Create a resume that highlights your early childhood expertise. Part of the course also includes practical placement at a Long Day Care that will grow your confidence and practical skills.

5. Land your first job! You can only go up from here. Now you have everything needed to establish tenure in your new position and pursue further studies in the future.

How To Get A Job In Early Childhood Education With First Base Training

There’s never been a better time to become an early childhood educator in Australia. If you have the passion, drive and education, nothing is holding you back from a fulfilling career in an industry that you love.

First Base Training is as keen as you are to reach your goals as an early childhood educator. Providing decades of experience and fee-free training, our team of dedicated educators have assisted thousands of Australians with reaching their educational goals. We currently offer Early Childhood Education and Care courses that include:

Offering subsidised courses, accredited qualifications, and an accessible payment plan, First Base Training offers the perfect opportunity to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality. Get in touch with us today for more information about our early childhood certificates. We’d be happy to help you navigate the enrolment process!


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